Why Your Sales Team Can't Close
Why Your Sales Team Can't Close “My salespeople can’t close.” How often have you heard that line? If you’re a sales leader, you’ve probably even said it. But closing is never the real problem. Never. That’s just the symptom. The problem is that salespeople neglect important activities during earlier stages of the sales process. Unless you address the broken links in your prospecting system, your results will not be sustainable. It’s like back pain. You can stretch and put heat on an aching back, but unless you treat the source of the pain -- a pulled muscle or degenerating disc --your back will continue to hurt. Put Your Finger on the Real Problem When you start looking at what really went wrong with missed sales opportunities, you’ll typically discover that your salespeople didn’t make the time to prepare for the meeting. They didn’t plan an agenda, do their research, or even check the client’s LinkedIn profile to identify common connections, interests, and...