Richard Branson's 4 Rules For Making Difficult Decisions
Branson aboard one of his rail's trains. In the summer of 2012, the British government informed Virgin Trains that it had lost the bid to retain the operating rights to the UK's West Coast rail franchise. Virgin Trains had been running the 7-billion-pound ( $10.9 billion ) franchise for 15 years, expanding the line and growing its annual passenger numbers from 13 million to 30 million. Richard Branson, chair of Virgin Train's parent company the Virgin Group, writes in his book " The Virgin Way: Everything I Know About Leadership " that he was "stunned and baffled" that he could have lost the bid to FirstGroup. He decided to stay quiet for awhile, meeting with lawyers and advisors to see if Virgin had actually been beaten fairly. Everyone he spoke with seemed to conclude that FirstGroup's numbers were unsustainable, meaning the British government had made a mistake in calculations. Regardless, many of his senior team told Branson that he...