
Showing posts from July, 2015

Siti Binti Saad -Became the standard

The story of Siti Binti Saad - As captured by Shaban Robert         She was born in the village of  Fumba , Zanzibar in 1880. She was given the name of 'Mtumwa' (slave) this is because she was born during the Arab slave period. Siti was given the name by an Arab tribesman. Her father was Saadi, a person of the  Nyamwezi  tribe from  Tabora , and her mother was a person of the  Zigua  tribe from  Tanga , but both were born in Zanzibar. The living conditions of their families were very poor and were engaged in agricultural activities and pottery works that Siti had learned and mastered well. As the Swahili say "being born poor isn't dying poor" Sita was blessed with the special gift of singing. This gift had helped since her earlier life, she used singing to sell her mothers pottery. when siti sang her voice was able to fly and travel a distance of many miles this was a signal for the people to know Mtumwa's pottery were ...

Destiny is a choice not a chance

The audacity of hope. In the Obama biography, when Barack Obama was in kenya in 1988,  no one including his relatives gave any welcome,  yes because he was not popular infact he was yet to join the university...his luggage was misplaced and flown to  South Africa, after doing a follow up at JKIA to have his luggage  back to Kenya, the staff at JKIA responded with rudeness,at  one point he was told by one of the staff if he can't wait he should take another  flight to Kogello,  Obama took a sip of Chang'aa with his  step brother Roy, he visited his aunt  in kariokor market and another  one in mathare in all these visits, he received casual  welcoming. In fact at some point he went to the market with his grandmother SARAH  OBAMA carrying a " gunia"  In 2006 when he came to  Kenya as a senator of Illinois, most of the local leaders never  recognized him, he was never accorded much securi...

You Must Leave Egypt for you to get to The promised Land.

You Must Leave Egypt for you to get to The promised Land. When Favour is Upon you  Joseph , was the son of Jacob and Rachel. A boy of exceptional ability and charisma, He seems to have been Jacob's favorite son too. From an early age he showed promise. He was clever, sensible, trustworthy. But he was also spoiled, cosseted, and something of a tell-tale: the Bible says that Joseph 'maligned' his brothers, and the original Hebrew word means 'hostile whispering' . He was also a braggart. So his brothers became furiously jealous of the favor he was shown.  They sold him to slavery  in Egypt .B ut God's favour helped him rise through the Egyptian society to become rich and powerful, a respected member of Pharaoh's court. Lesson : When God's favor is upon you ,no one can put you down. Changing times Life in Egypt - When favour ends The Israelites stayed in Egypt for generations, but with time  they increased in number, the Pharaoh...