Siti Binti Saad -Became the standard
The story of Siti Binti Saad - As captured by Shaban Robert She was born in the village of Fumba , Zanzibar in 1880. She was given the name of 'Mtumwa' (slave) this is because she was born during the Arab slave period. Siti was given the name by an Arab tribesman. Her father was Saadi, a person of the Nyamwezi tribe from Tabora , and her mother was a person of the Zigua tribe from Tanga , but both were born in Zanzibar. The living conditions of their families were very poor and were engaged in agricultural activities and pottery works that Siti had learned and mastered well. As the Swahili say "being born poor isn't dying poor" Sita was blessed with the special gift of singing. This gift had helped since her earlier life, she used singing to sell her mothers pottery. when siti sang her voice was able to fly and travel a distance of many miles this was a signal for the people to know Mtumwa's pottery were ...