You Must Leave Egypt for you to get to The promised Land.
You Must Leave Egypt for you to get to The promised Land.
When Favour is Upon you
Joseph, was the son of Jacob and Rachel. A boy of exceptional ability and charisma,He seems to have been Jacob's favorite son too. From an early age he showed promise. He was clever, sensible, trustworthy. But he was also spoiled, cosseted, and something of a tell-tale: the Bible says that Joseph 'maligned' his brothers, and the original Hebrew word means 'hostile whispering' . He was also a braggart. So his brothers became furiously jealous of the favor he was shown. They sold him to slavery in Egypt .But God's favour helped him rise through the Egyptian society to become rich and powerful, a respected member of Pharaoh's court.Lesson : When God's favor is upon you ,no one can put you down.
Changing times
Life in Egypt - When favour ends
The Israelites stayed in Egypt for generations, but with time they increased in number, the Pharaoh feared their presence. He feared that one day the Isrealites would turn against the Egyptians. Gradually and stealthily, he forced them to become his slaves after the death of Joseph. .He made the slaves build grand 'treasure cities', The Egyptians became overseers , characterized by holding sticks, and giving instructions to barefoot slaves, who were building wall after wall. They kept watch on top of towers, while the slaves made bricks from clay and straw.
Lesson :
Israelites had come to Egypt to seek food ,they were welcomed by their brother Joseph who was in-charge of grains then, They made Egypt home and became comfortable.Their comfort and that of their descendants ended after Joseph's death.
Take note of changing times,and know when your status is changing from a son to a slave.
Leaving Egypt (Stepping into The Wilderness) is a must (Exodus)
You Must Leave Egypt for you to get to The promised Land ,We talk of promised land too much when still in Egypt ,until the mind moves .When the mind is out of Egypt and the body has been physically left behind,we become unproductive making bricks becomes boring and putting up a wall becomes impossible, The master from the watch tower will notice the sudden laziness ,and what will follow will be cantankerous. An absent mind and a lazy body is not what you will need to step into the Wilderness with.
If you are not ready to step into the wilderness,please enjoy the hard labour,you will need the energy when time comes.
If you do not leave Egypt on time the following are bound to Happen.
It is important to note that the Israelites stayed in bondage for 400 years.- You will not see the promised land.
- You will die in the wilderness or in slavery.
- You will see the promised land from a far.
- Your descendants will also die in Egypt,They will assume that slavery is the way of life
- You will give your descendants the labour of carrying your bones accross the Wilderness in order to give you a descent burials if the manage to run.
Stepping into the wilderness is not a one day decision one has to have a promise of better things,
Preparation for the wilderness is key.
Exodus 12 :34 - 38 - 34So the people took their dough before the yeast was added, and carried it on their shoulders in kneading troughs wrapped in clothing. 35The Israelites did as Moses instructed and asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold and for clothing.36The Lord had made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians.
. So we must accumulate adequate stock when in Egypt.
Know when your once promised land changes to slavery.
It is good to accumulate the necessary skills for surviving in the wilderness.