What to do in order to understand yourself and how you are perceived.
To understand how others view you, you need to gain an accurate understanding of yourself. Spend some quiet time alone each day examining who you are and who you are not. Encourage informal feedback from trusted peers and managers. You may be surprised at how they perceive you. Be aware that they will give subjective views based on personal opinions, so attempt to remain objective and explore what about you may have influenced these views. More formal tools, such as psychometrics and personality profiles can be helpful. Feedback from these can be easier to manage because it is objective and involves no third-party relationship. 360-degree surveys, which gather the views of audiences, both inside and outside the business, can be helpful but focus on skills as well as behavior. Be aware of the differences between the two. While both may be learned and modified, changing the way you behave usually involves altering personality traits and perceptions and is more difficult than ac...