
Showing posts from 2015

When the phone stops to Ring

The day I left office, my phone literally ceased to ring.- By Dr Bitange Ndemo Over the past one year, I have been informally doing a unique kind of research, which was prompted by my experience after leaving public service. I have talked to more than 150 people, including those who retired from high-profile jobs, lost an election after serving the people, retired from athletics, and even those who have either been fired or otherwise dropped from top jobs. Their responses show a convergence on the experience that their relationships with people deteriorate when their fortunes appear to nose-dive. The Kenyan culture is such that people attach value to friendship, but their friends value them for their money or influence. The day I left office, my phone literally ceased to ring. My “friends” had moved on. I found myself checking my phone to establish if I had inadvertently put it off. The phone was fine. Prior to my departure from office, receiving 30 calls an hour was no...

Siti Binti Saad -Became the standard

The story of Siti Binti Saad - As captured by Shaban Robert         She was born in the village of  Fumba , Zanzibar in 1880. She was given the name of 'Mtumwa' (slave) this is because she was born during the Arab slave period. Siti was given the name by an Arab tribesman. Her father was Saadi, a person of the  Nyamwezi  tribe from  Tabora , and her mother was a person of the  Zigua  tribe from  Tanga , but both were born in Zanzibar. The living conditions of their families were very poor and were engaged in agricultural activities and pottery works that Siti had learned and mastered well. As the Swahili say "being born poor isn't dying poor" Sita was blessed with the special gift of singing. This gift had helped since her earlier life, she used singing to sell her mothers pottery. when siti sang her voice was able to fly and travel a distance of many miles this was a signal for the people to know Mtumwa's pottery were ...

Destiny is a choice not a chance

The audacity of hope. In the Obama biography, when Barack Obama was in kenya in 1988,  no one including his relatives gave any welcome,  yes because he was not popular infact he was yet to join the university...his luggage was misplaced and flown to  South Africa, after doing a follow up at JKIA to have his luggage  back to Kenya, the staff at JKIA responded with rudeness,at  one point he was told by one of the staff if he can't wait he should take another  flight to Kogello,  Obama took a sip of Chang'aa with his  step brother Roy, he visited his aunt  in kariokor market and another  one in mathare in all these visits, he received casual  welcoming. In fact at some point he went to the market with his grandmother SARAH  OBAMA carrying a " gunia"  In 2006 when he came to  Kenya as a senator of Illinois, most of the local leaders never  recognized him, he was never accorded much securi...

You Must Leave Egypt for you to get to The promised Land.

You Must Leave Egypt for you to get to The promised Land. When Favour is Upon you  Joseph , was the son of Jacob and Rachel. A boy of exceptional ability and charisma, He seems to have been Jacob's favorite son too. From an early age he showed promise. He was clever, sensible, trustworthy. But he was also spoiled, cosseted, and something of a tell-tale: the Bible says that Joseph 'maligned' his brothers, and the original Hebrew word means 'hostile whispering' . He was also a braggart. So his brothers became furiously jealous of the favor he was shown.  They sold him to slavery  in Egypt .B ut God's favour helped him rise through the Egyptian society to become rich and powerful, a respected member of Pharaoh's court. Lesson : When God's favor is upon you ,no one can put you down. Changing times Life in Egypt - When favour ends The Israelites stayed in Egypt for generations, but with time  they increased in number, the Pharaoh...

Soul Ties

HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT SOUL TIES? We used to be told in church "do not do this or that" but nobody told us why. Young people are told not to fornicate but not many have a deeper revelation of the reason why God forbids it. Unless you fully understand anything, you will not live it. Some months ago, God started to reveal to me SOUL TIES. I had never heard this anywhere including in the church.  Eve rybody has Soul ties whether good or bad. Soul tie connects your soul to another soul and hence becomes a highway and this facilitates transfer of evil or good spirits in the Spiritual realm. Soul ties between married couples draw them like magnets, while soul ties between fornicators can draw a beaten and abused woman to the man who in the natural realm she would hate and run from, but instead she runs to him even though he doesn't love her and treats her like dirt. Soul ties are designed by God to unite the whole body of Christ together that cannot be broken because of His lo...

Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains

The Social Contract " by Jean-Jacques Rousseau -1762 One man thinks himself the master of others, but remains more of a slave than they are. People deserve to be free but that they are chained by the societies in which they live.  What he is trying to do in this book is to discuss when it can be legitimate for a society to put its people in "chains." A society may legitimately coerce its people only when they agree to be ruled by that society.   Rousseau believes that people joined together in societies in order preserve their lives and make cooperation between people possible.  They willingly made a "social contract" in which they agreed to be ruled by the state in order that their lives can be improved through increased safety and cooperation. When people are in society, they are "in chains."  The society places all sorts of rules on them that limit their freedom.  This is what the quote means--it is saying that people in societies have ...

If the World Was a global village of 100 people.

If we could reduce the world's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all existing human ratios remaining the same, the demographics would look something like this: The village would have 61 Asians, 13 Africans, 12 Europeans, 9 Latin Americans, and 5 from the USA and Canada 50 would be male, 50 would be female 75 would be non-white; 25 white 67 would be non-Christian; 33 would be Christian 80 would live in substandard housing 16 would be unable to read or write 50 would be malnourished and 1 dying of starvation 33 would be without access to a safe water supply 39 would lack access to improved sanitation 24 would not have any electricity (And of the 76 that do  have electricity, most would only use it for light at night.) 8 people would have access to the Internet 1 would have a college education 1 would have HIV 2 would be near birth; 1 near death 5 would control 32% of the entire world's wealth; all 5 would be US citizens 48 would live on less than US$ 2 a ...

A day may come when the courage of Men fails.

  A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we will fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand Almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. When you get old in life things get taken from you. That's, that's part of life.But, you only learn that when you start losing stuff. You find out that life is just a game of inches. Like football. Because in either game life or football the margin for error is so small. One half step too late or too early you don't quite make it. One half second too slow or too fast and you don't quite catch it. The inches we need are everywhere around us. They are in every br...